Ukhty Dyda Sifa za kuoa


This qaswida, “Sifa za kuoa,” was composed and performed by the skilled Tanzanian qasida writer Ukhty Dyda when she was only 22 years old. It is a beautiful qaswida that delves deeply into the good and bad qualities that a man should be aware of in a woman when he is considering marriage.

Ukhty Dyda uses the words of the Prophet to enlighten us about these qualities, which are important to consider when choosing a spouse. These qualities include the woman’s beauty, her character, her lineage, and her wealth.

When a man takes these criteria into account while seeking a partner, his marriage will be joyful. If he marries a beautiful woman, he will be less likely to look outside the marriage. Likewise, if the woman is well-raised and has good manners, she will respect him, endure challenges, and love him no matter the difficulties they may face. Additionally, the family or lineage of the woman is an important factor to consider, as some families may have inherited issues that can affect the marriage. If the woman’s family has such problems, the marriage may not be as fulfilling.

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