The kaswida “Mwenye Imani” by Ukhty Hasina is a heartfelt reminder to believers to show gratitude for Allah’s countless blessings. Through its reflective lyrics, the kaswida emphasizes the importance of acknowledging and appreciating the everyday gifts we receive, from vision to peace of heart. It underscores the joy that arises when we recognize the blessings Allah has given, symbolized by the gift of sight, which brings happiness to the heart when it sees and distress when it cannot.
Each line of the kaswida urges listeners to be mindful of Allah’s mercy, as He is the source of all provision and comfort. By repeating phrases of gratitude, it reinforces the message that those who have faith should always be thankful for both the small and significant blessings they enjoy. The refrain, calling upon Allah as Rahim Rahmaan, serves as a humble plea for continued mercy and as a reminder of Allah’s kindness that envelops all aspects of life.