“IziNkomo,” featuring Yumbs and Thabza Tee, is a vibrant and energetic Amapiano track that showcases the collaborative synergy between Sam Deep, Azana, and their featured artists.
The song starts with a catchy beat and rhythmic percussion that immediately draws listeners in.
The instrumental arrangement is dynamic and layered, featuring deep basslines, intricate synths, and rhythmic drum patterns that create a lively and danceable groove. The new release came from their latest project titled Kwakhanya EP.
Azana’s vocals are powerful and soulful, delivering the lyrics with a sense of urgency and emotion.
Yumbs and Thabza Tee add their unique flavors to the track, enhancing its overall energy and appeal. The lyrics focus on themes of celebration and joy, making it a perfect track for dancing and uplifting the spirits.
The collaboration between the artists results in a track that is both infectious and memorable, with each artist bringing their strengths to the forefront.
Sam Deep & Azana – iziNkomo ft. Yumbs & Thabza Tee